

Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty Tag

Hi everyone!
I hope your week has been going well.
I'm so happy it's almost Friday. This week went particularly slow.
I think because I was soo busy last week, this week just seemed to drag on.

One of my favorite beauty YouTubers is Ingrid, or missglamorazzi.
She just did the Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty tag the other day and she tagged all of her viewers. Since I don't make videos, I figured I'd do a blogpost about it.
So here we go!

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
3. GLUTTONY: What are you most delicious beauty products?
4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self-confidence?
6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?

7. ENVY: what items would you most like to receive as a gift?

1. Drugstore black eyeliner [I think it was like $1.29?] and Chanel Vitalumière Aqua Foundation
2. Concealer—I love that it fixes my breakouts, but I hate that I’m almost 20 and I still have the skin of a pubescent teen; very prone to irregular breakouts.
3. Best Smelling—Lush's 'It’s Raining Men' shower gel.  Best Tasting—Forever 21 chapstick
4. Brow gel/pencil. I rarely fill in my brows, and I usually just wet my fingers a bit to smooth and hold them in place.
5. A good foundation—my skin is so irregular and rarely do I have a completely clear complexion, so when I have a foundation that gives me good coverage but still looks natural, I feel the best. But I'd have to say that Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Natural always leaves such a nice finish on my skin, whether I'm wearing foundation or not, so that is probably the product that makes me feel the best.
6. Appearance—great teeth, nice hair, and well fitting pants. Personality—outgoing, genuine, funny and easy going.
7. As cliché as it is, anything that comes from the heart and has meaning to it. It could be pretzels and nutella because that is one of my favorite treats [I did receive this as a give from one of my best friends Hanna] or anything from Lush because Lush always makes me happy :)

I tag all of you to do this! Feel free to leave your answers in the comments
Check out my tumblr, and follow me on twitter!

Talk to you soon!
XO Kara